RTT Session: How It Works

Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Standing Near White and Gray House during DaytimeRTT can transform your life and it begins with:

1) Booking your free initial consultation call. Here we will have a chat about your challenges and desired outcomes. I will explain a bit about RTT and you can ask any questions you have. There is no pressure to proceed.

2) If you decide you would like to book a session I will then send you a couple of forms to complete and process payment. You will also receive a zoom link for our 30 minute consultation.

3) A 30 minute consultation will take place online and we will discuss your symptoms, and talk more about what you would like to get out of the session and what your life would be like without the presenting problem.

4) Our full session in person or online.

Here I will guide you gently into hypnosis. This is a relaxed state in which you have complete control. People often say they love the feeling, as it is so lovely and relaxing. This enables the subconscious mind to become more accessible, making it easier to access memories that have caused the challenge you're dealing with today.

Using a variety of RTT tools we will discover how, when and where beliefs have formed within you that are affecting you today. You will have more understanding and clarity to why you're faced with the issue I am helping you with. Then with this understanding we can eradicate those limiting beliefs. And then rewire new positive ones..

5) At the end of the session I will create a bespoke recording for you to take home. This recording needs to be listened to for 21 days, twice a day. This commitment is imperative to achieving your success and happiness. I will be contacting you within this period via email to see how you're getting on.

6) I will call you after 21 days to see how you are and to discuss how you are feeling.